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Improving Your Home Landscaping

Few things are more frustrating than a messy front yard. In addition to disrupting your curb appeal, overgrown, messy landscaping can also harbor pests and make it look like you don't care about your property. Fortunately, tidying up your yard doesn't have to be difficult. I have spent years learning more about landscaping, and this blog is all about how to become a landscaping enthusiast. Check out these articles about fun topics like planting flowers, perfecting pruned trees, and decorating your yard with whimsical additions. After you know more about landscaping, your yard might become the talk of the town.

Improving Your Home Landscaping

How Brush Mulching Is Performed

by Bill Kuhn

Bulldozing and burning are two processes used to clear overgrown brush, saplings, and fallen trees. Although these methods are effective, they can be costly, wasteful, and time-consuming. Brush mulching is an alternate method of preparing land for residential or commercial use.

Beneficial To Soil And Vegetation

Vegetation that is located in an area where construction will eventually take place can be cut into smaller pieces with the use of a forestry mulching machine. The mulch pieces will add an earthy tone to the barren land and will act as a protectant from wind and rain, which could cause erosion. 

Mulch pieces that are prepared with tree limbs and plant branches will eventually break down and add much-needed nutrients to the soil that they are covering. The pieces will form a barrier that will aid in water retention. It can be beneficial to add mulch pieces to flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, and other plots where plants are growing and watering is conducted regularly.

Vegetation that has been cut up can also be used to blanket large surfaces that are comprised solely of dirt. The grinding process causes little disruption to the top layer of soil. Once the pieces have been deposited across the ground, weeds or native plant varieties that have been problematic in the past will be blocked from germinating.

A Time Efficient Process

Brush mulching is often referred to as forestry mulching. A single machine is used to remove overgrowth. If saplings and plants are relatively short in stature, a mulching machine can clear the excess growth across the expanse of several acres within a day or two.

Larger trees or thick bushes may require more time to break down. Because multiple pieces of heavy-duty machinery will not be needed during the mulching process, the cost for clearing land is less expensive than traditional clearing methods. 

Customized Clearing

Future construction or land usage plans will influence how much brush or trees need to be removed. Upon hiring someone to clear vegetation, information about the expanse of land that is going to be cleared and any trees, shrubs, or plants that are going to remain part of the landscaping should be furnished.

The individual who operates the mulching machinery will use an attachment that is connected to a skid steer. The machinery can be maneuvered through tight spaces. Vegetation that is within the line of the attachment will be removed. Any trees or plants that are going to remain on the property will not be disturbed during the land clearing process.
