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Improving Your Home Landscaping

Few things are more frustrating than a messy front yard. In addition to disrupting your curb appeal, overgrown, messy landscaping can also harbor pests and make it look like you don't care about your property. Fortunately, tidying up your yard doesn't have to be difficult. I have spent years learning more about landscaping, and this blog is all about how to become a landscaping enthusiast. Check out these articles about fun topics like planting flowers, perfecting pruned trees, and decorating your yard with whimsical additions. After you know more about landscaping, your yard might become the talk of the town.

Improving Your Home Landscaping

Lawn Maintenance Tips For Fast-Growing Lawns

by Bill Kuhn

You want your grass to grow healthy and lush. But there is such a thing as too much lawn growth. If your lawn is growing faster than you're able to mow it, you may be concerned about it looking unkempt and shaggy. So, how can you slow down its growth without sacrificing its overall health? Here are a few key tips.

Don't fertilize it anymore

Lawn maintenance professionals will often tell you to fertilize your grass a few times per year. This is good advice in general as it ensures your grass has the nutrients it needs to thrive. But if your grass is now growing too quickly for its own good, then it may actually be getting more nitrogen than it needs. (Nitrogen is the key ingredient in most fertilizers.) Stop fertilizing your lawn for the time being. Once its growth rate is more reasonable, you can start applying fertilizer once again.

When you do start fertilizing again, use a slow-release formula. This will feed the grass slowly over time rather than giving it one blast of nutrients that sends it into a growth spurt.

Raise the setting on the mower

Your first instinct, when grass is growing too quickly, might be to cut the grass even shorter so you can wait longer between mowing sessions. But when the grass is cut too short, it may respond by growing even faster to compensate. If you instead raise the mower blades and leave the grass a little longer when you cut it, the grass should grow a bit more slowly. You may need to mow your lawn a little more often at first, but after a few mowing sessions where you leave the lawn longer, you'll find you're able to space mowing out more.

Consider a growth inhibitor

There are growth inhibitors that you can sprinkle on the lawn to slow down its growth rate. If you try the strategies above and your grass is still growing quickly, growth inhibitors may be worth trying. Just make sure you use them according to the instructions on the package. Wait a few weeks after the first application to see how the grass responds. Don't reapply the inhibitor unless your grass is still growing rapidly. 

Having your lawn grow too fast can be quite a nuisance. However, if you rely on the strategies above, you can slow down its growth rate for a more polished look. If you need help caring for your lawn, talk to a lawn maintenance company. 
