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Improving Your Home Landscaping

Few things are more frustrating than a messy front yard. In addition to disrupting your curb appeal, overgrown, messy landscaping can also harbor pests and make it look like you don't care about your property. Fortunately, tidying up your yard doesn't have to be difficult. I have spent years learning more about landscaping, and this blog is all about how to become a landscaping enthusiast. Check out these articles about fun topics like planting flowers, perfecting pruned trees, and decorating your yard with whimsical additions. After you know more about landscaping, your yard might become the talk of the town.

Improving Your Home Landscaping

Planting New Trees? 3 Tips To Care For Them To Keep Them Healthy

by Bill Kuhn

If you are planting new trees this year, you cannot simply plant them and forget about them. You have to provide proper care for them to allow them to grow strong and healthy in the future. Keep reading for three tips on how you can do this. 


After you plant the trees for the first time, you need to ensure that you water them correctly. Not enough water will dry out the roots and cause the trees to die. Too much water will cause root rot, which will also cause your new trees to die. How much water they need depends on the size of the trunk. 

A drip irrigation system is a great way to deliver water to the roots. You can also use a garden or soaker hose to water your trees. All these methods water the trees slowly for long periods of time. This ensures the water reaches the roots instead of water runoff.

Mulch the Trees

You may see trees in your neighborhood with flowers planted around them or a lot of grass built up. This is not good as these things compete for water, as well as any nutrients you use to fertilize your trees. Instead, you can put mulch around the trees. Mulch helps conserve moisture to keep your trees watered longer. Mulch also protects the trees from both cold and hot temperatures. 

Remove the grass around each tree and then spread mulch around the trunk. Putting mulch around the trees also makes it much easier when you are mowing your lawn. There are many types of mulch you can use, such as leaf mulch or litter, pine straw, shredded bark, and wood chips. Replenish the mulch throughout the spring, summer, and fall as needed.  


Do not immediately fertilize new trees after planting because the roots are working hard to stretch out and become strong. If you use organic mulch, it will add nutrients to the soil as it breaks down which will provide the trees with enough nutrients in the beginning. After a couple of years, do a soil test near the tree to determine if you need to add soil amendments or fertilizer. You can also hire a tree care service to help you determine if the trees need to be fertilized and what fertilizer to use for them. 

Contact a local tree care service to learn more about caring for new trees. 
